Posted on March 24th, 2021
Before the epidemic, 40% of nurses said they experience burnout but, now 70% say they are burnt out. How can this be handled? Well, before knowing it, there are some basics which we should know.
Responsibility to work with coronavirus patients and unintentionally infecting others.
Medical staff rationing care owing to the high level of Covid patients in need.
The need to deal and rehabilitate themselves if infected with covid.
Seeing hundreds of people die.
Above all, before the pandemic, healthcare professionals were considered heroes but now as the ones who are infringing on people’s personal freedom.
How to know if it is burnout or other mental health problem like depression...
Failing to cure this condition can cause a long-term disadvantage. It can lead to depression, cognitive dysfunction, and impaired sleep. All these, in turn, can cause havoc in nurses’ personal and professional life.
As mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing are interrelated closely, a multi-faceted and comprehensive approach to treating burnout is needed. The treatment or self-help should consist of different methods and resources that can tackle the psychological and physical effect of burn-out.
First and foremost, nurses must create meaning in what they are doing.
Nurses must link up with energy sources both physical and emotional. A balanced diet, enough sleep and modest daily exercise should be part to meet physical needs. As part of meeting psychological need, one should relax, replenish, and recharge. Spiritual beliefs, family support and social connections should not be neglected.
Above all, nurses must be self-caring and acknowledge one’s limitations and values.
More than all, you should understand that even nurses are humans, and it is ok to seek help, especially in situations as such. A well-known life coach specialized in dealing with nurse health issues said the foremost thing a nurse can do when one finds out he/she is burnt out is to accept the fact.
Tags: Napping, burn out prevention, covid19 burn out, trauma recovery, nurse life tips, meditation practice, healthy diet, staying healthy, vitamin d3, nurses change lives, health tips for nurses, tips to manage burn out in nurses, managing covid related burnout