Posted on June 5th, 2020
Being a Frontline HealthCare Professional, seeing a patient affected by this invisible deadly Corona Virus is heartbreaking. This Pandemic battle is between an Invisible Enemy (COVID) vs Invisible Warriors (HealthCare Professional) and it is destined that our Frontline Heroes are sure to be victorious. “At the root of the world’s brave fight against COVID-19 is the hard work of the medical community and our frontline warriors. Doctors, medical workers, and the support staff are like soldiers, but without the soldiers’ uniforms, Hats-off to every frontline hero. There is, of course, a fast-moving and elusive new virus. But the attitudes and fears of the entire Medical Fraternity that have emerged in the battle against COVID can be equally unsettling and upended by something unseen, aggressive as well as hard to avoid. Here comes, a couple of precautionary measures to avoid any risks and Protecting the Health Care Workforce as well as Strengthening the Care Delivery System :
1). Be Aware, But Don’t Panic: Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is inciting panic for several reasons. Herd mentality is taking over: people are being influenced by one another and letting emotions dictate their behavior, instead of taking a rational approach. But, it’s understandably frightening because nothing like this has happened in our lifetime, It’s human to be anxious. At the same time, there are lots of reasons not to be scared. Be reasonable and be cautious, but don’t be frightened. Take a look at some of the tips to keep calm amid a wave of panic: i. Know the facts, ii. Keep yourself informed ii. Reassure yourself not to worry, iii. Create a positive routine, iv. Occupy your mind with relaxing hobbies.
2). Practicing Self-Care Is Important During Uncertain Times: Self-care has taken a back seat since the COVID-19 pandemic began. When the outside news feels overwhelming and questions remain about what the near future will hold and there can be a paradoxical decline in motivation due to the negative psychological effects for not taking utmost self-care. It is essential to Integrate small, reasonable schedule changes that coincide with a work-life balance, and that is reflective of your personality. When it is a question of staying sane and healthy during these uncertain times, it’s important to keep your expectations in check. Here comes a couple of suggestions for self-care: i. Get dressed, ii. Maintain a schedule, ii. Get some exercise, iii. Plan your meals, iv. Stay connected.
3). Health Screenings At All Entrances: Everyone entering a facility, including staff, will have their temperature taken and be checked for symptoms of COVID-19. If there are signs of possible illness such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, one must undertake the appropriate medical procedure to ensure all employees within the medical facility are symptoms free. While directly attending patients who are diagnosed with COVID-19, HealthCare staff are at a greater risk of getting affected by the corona virus. It’s highly recommended to watch yourself carefully for any symptoms about the virus, as symptoms behave differently from person to person, and you can also be asymptomatic while carrying the virus without knowing it.
4). Extra Sanitizing and Cleaning: Cleaning and Sanitizing all areas of the hospital – extra steps should be added to make sure medical facilities are prepared to safely see patients. For example, in addition to the usual cleaning standards, it’s important to have enhanced practices to include more frequent disinfecting of common areas like waiting rooms, lobbies, and all other departments. When you are in an exam room, know that these rooms are thoroughly cleaned between patients and are held to the highest level of disinfecting standards. Proper handwashing techniques are best for preventing the spread of the virus and other germs, but hand sanitizer can also help.
5). PPE Protocols: You might be surprised to know that you also play a large role in maintaining the health and safety of others. All medical staff must follow the guidelines in place to keep medical facilities safe for everyone. While conducting health screenings in the examine rooms there is a high risk of exposing ourselves to the virus, there is still a chance of having the virus but showing no symptoms. To avoid possible exposure, you should wear PPE as much as possible for extra safety precaution and strictly follow the safety protocols, including proper hand sanitation. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) When Caring for Patients with Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19. Receive comprehensive training on when and what PPE is necessary, how to don (put on) and doff (take off) PPE, limitations of PPE, and proper care, maintenance, and disposal of PPE. PPE must be donned correctly before entering the patient area (e.g., isolation room, unit if cohorting). PPE must remain in place and be worn correctly for the duration of work in potentially contaminated areas. PPE should not be adjusted (e.g., retying gown, adjusting respirator/facemask) during patient care. PPE must be removed slowly and deliberately in a sequence that prevents self-contamination. A step-by-step process should be developed and used during training and patient care.
6). Spread Awareness of the Deadly Virus: As we all are aware, it’s an invisible virus that has brought the entire world to a standstill. Let’s all take this pledge to spread the awareness of COVID-19 and educate everyone with all the watch-out symptoms as well as precautionary measures. We never know, how a person could pick the virus from other individuals while at a Mall, a Gas Station, a Coffee Bar, or any place for that matter. Its high time to educate everyone and stress the importance of self-isolation and following CDC guidelines. Let’s make it a hard and fast rule, not touching the face, washing hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, and strictly maintaining social distancing.
7). Create A Ritual To Trash The Germs At End Of Your Shift: Implement and perform measures that can catalyze behavior change and promote strict adherence to hygiene and sanitation practices. Always carry a pair of fresh clothes and slip-on/shoes with you to work in a vacuum-packed carrier bag. Once done with your regular shift, place your Scrubs, Nursing Uniforms, Lab Coats, Medical Devices & Accessories another vacuum-packed carrier bag to disinfect and recycle them for reuse. Before you start for home, disinfect all your personal belonging such as Cell Phone, Laptop, Wallet, and other devices including door handles, steering wheel, and other high touch areas in your vehicle. Also, once you reach home make sure you strictly abide to all the precautionary steps before you step-in.
8). Home Care & Precautions : As the search for a vaccine continues, simple home remedies such as practicing hygiene, staying indoors and avoiding crowded places can help you and your family stay safe. As per the demand of your profession, on a day on day basis you work closely with COVID infected patients and your role exposes you to patients that likely have coronavirus. Even if you’re not currently exhibiting symptoms, its highly recommended to self-isolate from your family. Use separate bedding and towels and not share these with other household members. Use separate dishes, glasses, cups, and eating utensils and not share these with other household members. After use, run them through the dishwasher or wash with very hot soapy water. If possible, stay in a bedroom and use a bathroom separate from other people in the home. Every day, use a household cleaner or wipe to clean things that get touched a lot. These include doorknobs, light switches, toys, remote controls, sink handles, counters, and phones.
trictly abide to the CDC guidelines and erring on the side of caution will cut down on your odds of spreading COVID-19 or catching it yourself. Stay well-informed of the newest CDC guidelines and do everything you can to leave the germs at the medical facility.
Tags: together we will, healthcare, healthcare professionals, covid19, coronavirus, corona awareness, beaware, selfcare, healthservices, precautions, awareness, ppesupplies, clothes, homecare, home healthcare, wellness, care, care giving, care giver, Protouchstaffing